Saturday, May 5, 2012

Brrrr... It's cold outside

I've taken photos of Gabriel, Alexis, and their parents for the last two years. In fact Gabriel's newborn picture is our famous baby on the desk picture that we got so many comments about. (Thanks for all your support guys). Gabriel just turned 2 and Alexis just turned 8. Their birthdays are 5 days apart and so they have one big birthday party for both kids. I was lucky enough to get to go to the birthday party and see the kids have so much fun, and afterwards it was family photo time. We originally went to the park.... but after seeing Gabriel's little lips shiver we quickly had to change plans. Poor baby he was soo cold.

Mark and I took them to an indoor place that we were part of a photoshoot a long time ago at. It was a great little place and we had a good time. Gabriel did not want his photo taken, he wanted to go exploring like most 2 year olds do. Alexis was a good sport and smiled through all the pictures even though she was exhausted from the party. We definitely were presented with some challenges like the weather but I think the photos turned out great. Take a look!