Friday, June 29, 2012

Good friends....

You've probably seen Brandon and Ashley in our albums before... and that's because we did Ashley's maturnity photos. Well now the beauiful Collette has been born, and they asked us to take family photos. Of course we jumped on it. We are so lucky to have Brandon and Ashley in our lives, and are so thankful for their friendship. Not only that but I simply adore Collette, she's so precious. Not only did we do tradional family photos... but they helped us with a creative photoshoot too.

One day I was driving home thinking about the Cherry festival and how I would really like to go to it sometime. I got this image in my head of bright red cherries.... than I started picturing a vintage family on a picnic after picking cherries... and BAM I had a new photoshoot. Mark and I bought a few props, and asked the Whittens to help us out. They did such a great job, and their little family was perfect for the photoshoot. We found Ashley and Collettes clothes at Savers. Savers is now my place to shop when I need costumes. Picked up a few things at teh antique store and now we had ourselves a vintage photoshoot.

There's a place not to far from our house, that I always want to take pictures at and so it was perfect for this setting. Thank you Brandon and Ashley for helping us out with the photos, I couldn't have asked for a better family. The pictures turned out PERFECT! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. So fun, Brittany! Gosh we love you guys! You should get money from the Coca-Cola company for those pictures! =]
